Monday 17 June 2024

No gardening on the agenda!

Quite a strange day as I was free of the self inflicted stress of getting the garden sorted! I did some chores and went into town to go to the bank and look for h eat another bird feeder and the seed feeders have been so chewed by the squirrels that the seed gushes out faster than I can pour it in! I wrote a couple of letters and got the printer working to print some photos to enclose in them. I arranged to walk to Angela’s this afternoon so could post them on the way.
The sea was very dark in one direction, and quite different in the other.
The ladies of Hornsea have taken yarn bombing to a new level and wow, the Coast Watch hut looks fantastic!
And a decorated bench nearby, an interesting walk today.
A different sea shot and one of a lovely piece of wall on the promenade.
Then the sunken garden before reaching Angela’s.
Angela is looking after two dogs at the moment. Allia, the female is crazy and very hard work.
CJ is very timid and he is very overwhelmed by his house mate.
It started to rain so Angela gave me a lift home. Sorted dinner for the workers and may write a couple more letters this evening.


  1. Seems strange, but good to not hear about your endeavours in the garden. It's quite a weight off your shoulders for now, until the next local event you get volunteered for!But the garden looks great for now, which is good.
    The sea always looks different in every picture. I can't imagine anyone living by it can ever get bored with it.
    Blimey, that's a lot of yarn bombing! It looks amazing. It must have taken ages to make all that. The ladies in Hornsea really need to buy themselves TVs 🙂 It was nice that you got out today and managed to enjoy taking a few pics. I have to say that Hornsea always looks so well kept and tidy.
    Rather Angela than me. Those dogs may be little, but as you say very hard work!
    I hope you're not feeling so achy tonight after an easier day than normal.

  2. It was a nice day, slower pace with nothing special to do. The front garden could do with some attention but that can be another day.
    The Coast Watch hut looks fantastic, and a lot of effort goes into the appearance of the town.
