Friday 14 June 2024

Pandora sandwich!

Cute company to start the day while I sat doing my puzzles!
Visited Bel as usual, and we had a good natter over a cuppa. After a bit of lunch I went into the garden for a short while and needed to tidy up the area around the greenhouse.
The garden will look respectable yet!
Jean came round to visit for a while this afternoon, more tea and chat.
Tina arrived home from a trip to Whitby and sent me a couple of pics. The light one was a view from where she stayed and if you look closely Whitby Abbey is in the distance. The other one is a great night shot.
Tina bought me a lovely bunch of crocheted flowers, I put this in my dragonfly pot.

We did get some rain but I did have a go at doing the edges with the strimmer in the garden and it didn’t work too badly and was certainly much quicker. Final efforts tomorrow.
Will finish early and with a picture of my little friend keeping me company again.


  1. Oh, that sort of cat sandwich 🙂
    You’re on the home stretch with the garden now. Well only for the Sunday visitors, but at least you can slow down for a while. At least with it being visiting day it broke things up a bit for you.
    I can see Whitby Abbey in the first pic and the second one is really nice. I think the crocheted flowers are fantastic! Perfect for that pot too. At least you don’t have to worry about water leaking out the holes 🙂 That was another great gift from the Rev. She does come up with some good ones.

  2. More rain last night but sunshine this morning, so on with the final touches!
    The flowers are so pretty and very clever.
