Tuesday 25 June 2024

Home and early post

Travelled home today. Darren popped in to see Margherita briefly before we set off for home, I got told off for telling the staff that she will be ninety next month! But she scolded me with a smile on her face while telling me she will ever talk to me again!
I will put some non people pictures from yesterday now.
Two pics from last night when Darren and Anya met up with the family for a meal.
Darren and ai stopped at Hemswell Antique Centre on the way home. Three large buildings with all sorts. I got the bargain of the day, only spending a pound!
Hot and tired now, but it has been a lovely trip.
Back to the pottery studio tomorrow.


  1. You managed to get lots of good pics over the few days you were here. Great weather for your visit, but maybe a little too hot at times. It was nice you got to see all the family and friends. Not often they are all together in one place.
    Trust you to get a bargain for £1 on the way home!
    A nice relaxing evening will do you good in readiness for normality tomorrow.

  2. Yes, maybe a little too hot. But great for photo opportunities and bargains!
    Seems like I have been away longer, which is a good thing, and it was lovely.
