Saturday 15 June 2024

As ready as it is going to be!

Took a couple of pictures of the sky from the landing window last night. Second one a bit out of focus but it adds atmosphere!
I went to get the rolls as usual and called in a Boyes to see if they had any craft items that would make signs, but no luck there. So Darren drove me to the garden centre where there is a Works shop. Got some items, will post pics tomorrow. Did buy a gorgeous garden ornament and a reduced plant as well.
I did a lot of strimming of the very rough areas behind the beds and got a few more plants in. It was a day of showers so ai was dodging in and out! Then I started trying to hoe the beds, but the ground was getting quite soggy. While I was sheltering in the greenhouse I enjoyed watching a blackbird who has conquered landing on the suet block!
Will finish with a selection of shots of the garden.


  1. I like both the pics from last night. Who cares about focus? As you say it adds to it.
    Glad you got out for a short while for a trip with Darren, worth it for the hedgehog I think 🙂
    The garden looks bloody good! I can’t imagine anyone not enjoying looking around it. You’ve put a lot of work in and it shows in those pics. I think you’re definitely do a bit of a rest from it now! Good luck with the weather for tomorrow.

  2. Nothing more to be done now, hope the weather is kind.
