Saturday 29 June 2024

The day improved!

Felt really off colour this morning, was up early but even tried to go back to bed for a bit, but I have felt a bit better as the day has gone on although feeling pretty tired still. I went to the shop as usual and then sat and read for a while. It did spot with rain for a while, but not much help for the plants!
I went out to feed the birds and was a bit disappointed that the weeds are already returning on the patio, I did hve. Go at clearing them so as they don get ridiculous again. No after photo as there weren’t that many,
DRren went to the shops and bought bulb for dragon lamp. I may take a photo when the room is darker.
I did go out in the garden again for a while this afternoon, but just did a bit of hoeing before it gets too bad again. The se holly is getting very blue now.
Some more reading and putting my feet up.
Will go with Darren tomorrow to the boot sale, even if I just have breakfast and then read a bit more of my novel before reading about Elenor Roosevelt.


  1. I’m glad to hear your day got better as it progressed. Not much of a bonus but every little helps.
    Weeds are the Bain of your life. You can never get away from them ☹️ But better to tackle the patio while they are still few and far between rather than leave it until they take over. Sadly the other three acres of garden have to be tended too as well.
    The dragon light is really nice and as I’ve had a preview of it complete with bulb and lit up, I can say it’s fantastic! I’m sure you’ll get pleasure from using it. You’ll love the winter nights 😊
    Enjoy a bit of booting tomorrow. Hope you make it around some of it. Those bargains will be calling out to you.

  2. Did manage to get round today at the boot sale and got a couple of bargains! Feeling a bit better today which is good.
