Tuesday 1 November 2022

Busy doing not a lot!

It has been a bit of a strange day, I have been out several times, but not far. First time to go and get some lunch and go to the chemist for Tina, but popped into Boyes as I came home. I have been calling in lately really to see if Abi is on shift, but maybe she has left as I haven’t caught sight of her for ages. But ai did find some lovely sundae dishes for a pound each, thought they would make lovely small open terrariums. I just bought two for now.
That spurred me on to want to go to Botany Boutique to get some plants. It wasn’t open, a sign in the window to say it was closed from 10 am until noon for staff trying. I bought a couple of succulents at Countdown on the way back. Before lunch I went to the shop again but it was only just after twelve so thought I would try gain after lunch! It was third time lucky and was going to get cracking but decided to get some clearing done in the kitchen and get the recycling stuff taken to collection points. We have an estate agent who take the medication blister packs and the Coop has a container for soft plastic. We ek them but don’t get around to getting them to the collection points as often as we should. There were also some glasses and and glasses cases, so thought I would call in at the opticians  as well. So off I went again. The opticians didn’t take the glasses but said a charity shop at the far end of Newbegin did. That is next to a pet and plant shop, so managed to get a couple more there. I now have quite a few but nowhere really to keep them or make the terrariums, so am in the middle of rearranging the bedroom, come kitchen and craft room. A bit room but ai have a lot of stuff, but I will get there!
Sher had one of those water bottles when I had the session on Saturday, it is really useful as you can water the base more easily.
I made the baked potatoes in the Ninja again, slowly getting to the point where I get it right!
A couple of pictures of a chrysanthemum in the front bed, one taken when it was too bright and one in the sunshine. Not a lot different but it is a fabulous colour.

Best get back to it now!


  1. Well I don’t know about busy doing not a lot. It sounds as though you’ve got a fair bit done and had some exercise into the bargain. I think the sundae dishes are a great idea. I wouldn’t have thought of it myself, but you have an eye for these things. Looks like you have plenty of plants to be getting on with too. You’ll have a fair little production line set up soon. It amazes me how you keep finding space to fit these new hobbies into the room 😊
    I would have thought the optician would have taken the glasses. They normally have a bin for them as they collect them to send to poorer countries. I keep meaning to take some of mine to my local opticians. Must get around to it!
    Wow, that chrysanthemum is colourful. Gorgeous!
    Don’t spend all evening slaving over the sorting!

  2. I am flagging a bit now, gets tiring when you are busy doing nothing!
    Maybe I will get to make up one of the sundae dishes tomorrow, then again! The tree is still upright which is good so far!
    That chrysanthemum is really eye catching, makes me smile when I see it.
