Sunday 13 November 2022

Second attempt, spiders webs and misty day

I took a photo in the garden this morning, as although it was misty I thought the fern changing colour and the last of the copper beech made for a nice picture.
I decided to dismantle and redo the closed terrarium. I was using a portable table I have which doesn’t lock into place so has always been a bit risky. Whether it was Pandora or I knocked the legs, the whole think went down with an almighty crash, no broken glass, but earth stones and plants everywhere. The table is downstairs ready for a trip to the charity shop! I did persevere and am happy with the terrarium now.
I have been over an hour in total trying to get more photos on tonight, so will just write a bit more today and hope that I can add the photos tomorrow!
Although it was a misty and dull day I decided to walk up to Freeport, have a drink and then return. I did walk dow the hill a bit when I was there to see if the dreadful nativity scene was back, but it wasn’t! I was really feeling tired and achey and wondered if I could make it home, only a mile or so, but that is a good distance with my level of fitness! No other options though as the buses don’t run on a Sunday!
The mist had made the cobwebs noticeable on some plants. So that was an excuse to keep stopping to look on the way back!
Apart from getting dinner and reading didn’t do a lot when I got back. Went down the shop for some milk and took a couple of misty day shots, quite a few webs too! Fingers crossed the program behaves tomorrow..


  1. I like the first and only pic too. The colours are nice. Oh dear, I bet you swore very loudly when the table collapsed 😄 Glad nothing got broken, including the cat! Bet you laughed about it afterwards…….or not. Some other poor bugger will get it from the charity shop and will curse when it collapses on them!
    Bad planning walking on a day when there are no buses as backup 😊 I know what you felt like though, been in that situation myself a couple of times. It’s quite satisfying once you do get home though. I’m sure the naff nativity will appear at some point. Hope so as it really is naff 😄
    I like it when the cobwebs get damp, it makes for some great pics.
    Shame you couldn’t get the pics to upload tonight, but hopefully it’ll be working ok tomorrow.

  2. Hopefully I can add some of my pics tomorrow.
    The air was blue when the table and contents went flying!
