Wednesday 30 November 2022

Bit of a non day!

Today has been taken up mostly with family issues so my phone has been red hot. I also had to stay in as Tina was expecting a delivery for the parish hall which didn’t arrive until getting on for three. I did go out briefly after that  as we needed a couple of groceries and I wanted to go to Botany Boutique to get some terrarium supplies as I have quite a few plants that need to be put in something. I will make some up and then find people to give them to!
So no photos at all today and not much news really!
I had the injection in my knee yesterday afternoon, it felt a little less painful in the night but was worse this morning! It does seem to have eased off a bit during the day so fingers crossed it will help a bit.
My friend Rachel from Peterborough is driving up tomorrow to spend a couple of days with me which is really lovely.
I watch The Traitors last night and thought it was really good, so looking forward to this evenings episode and seeing who the first person to be ‘murdered’ was.
Hopefully will be snap happy again tomorrow!


  1. Well it’s definitely not like you to have no photos! But some days don’t lend themselves to photography. Sounds like your day has been mainly sorting things out for others. That in itself can be very tiring, so I bet you won’t be too late turning in tonight. Having Rachel arrive tomorrow for a couple of days is great. I know how well you both get on and you’ll both enjoy it. I’m sure it’ll involve lots of nattering with interspersed giggling along the way 😊
    I really hope now the injection has had time to settle down that it starts to do it’s job and makes things a bit easier for you.
    Enjoy your program.

  2. It has been a good while before getting a visit from Rachel but I am sure we will enjoy it, talk for England and no doubt do some giggling! No plans to do anything in particular we see how the mood takes us.
    If the injunction eases the night discomfort a bit that will be good so fingers crossed.
