Wednesday 2 November 2022

Making space for making terrariums

I have been moving things around again today to try and have everything in one place along with a working surface so that I actually make some more terrariums. I have had a lot of the equipment and have collected jars, but they have been tucked way in a cupboard. I caught the bus to 
Sigglesthorne and walked up to the garden centre. I wanted some rooting powder and some inexpensive propagating trays. The sun was catching a tree as I got off the bus, it was a dark sky so looked quite good.
The road was quiet as  I was walking up the road, it suddenly got really busy when I was about to cross so had to wait a while!
I got a pair of quite cheap propagating trays and some rooting powder, so did get a few cuttings going.
I had a few things for the charity shop so took them across, got a couple of useful prizes in their tombola and saw a really lovely glass jar. I thought the inner piece in the jar was a fixture, but when I was washing it I released it, that was a bonus!
The little candle in a flower pot and the note pad are both really nice.
A couple of years ago I bought a winter clematis which hasn’t flowered nd this year it seemed to have died. But now it has revived and even has some buds, I have forgotten what the flowers are supposed to look like, so it will be a surprise.
I went into the garden and cleaned the bird baths and topped up the feeders as I am off on a long trip tomorrow, hopefully if buses and trains are running well, I am hoping to get to see my sister in hospital in Peterborough. 
I had some medication that has been hanging around for a while so got it bagged up and went to the chemist for them to be disposed of.
Then I did make up one terrarium on a little glass teapot.
I have everything sorted for an early get away with Darren at about seven. So will get an early night as well.


  1. I’m sure you’ll be able to squeeze the terrarium making stuff in there eventually. You’ll be fine then if you don’t take up any more hobbies 😊
    Has anything run into that bus stop lately? It looks like it’s still in one piece.
    The propagators look plenty strong enough for the job. Bet they were a quarter of the price of some of them in there and they do exactly the same job.
    I hope you took more than three things to the charity shop as it would be bad if you brought more home than you took 😊
    Plants are quite resilient things. Hope the clematis survives now. I can’t think what the flowers look like either.
    The teapot terrarium looks really nice. It’s unusual in a container like that. How often to you have to water it?
    I hope your trip goes ok tomorrow. Don’t forget your brolly though , as it’s supposed to be rather wet here tomorrow. ☂️

  2. They don’t need a lot of watering, Sher suggested having a wooden skewer or stick to test the soil, or if the plants start to wilt that would be a sign! You have gravel at the base for drainage as too much water can cause root rot.
    I did take more than three things to the charity shop!
