Monday 28 November 2022

Discharged and hopeful!

This morning I had a package to send and walked to the sea before going to the post office.
There are lots of starlings on the front and today they were having a fine old time in and out of the council rubbish collection truck,

I had a cuppa but sat outside as I love the new top but really have to fight to get it off!
After I had been to the post office I decided to walk the roads that go round the outside of the park to make the walk a little longer. This man was definitely up the pole!
For a while squirrels have been managing to get into the greenhouse through a very slightly open window and knock everything over as well s getting to the bird food! Yesterday was no exception so I shut the window. When I went down today to decant some food I found complete mayhem nd a squirrel that had been shut in! Quite okay I hasten to add, and we’ll fed, but frantic at the sight of me and it was a while before it went out via the door! The plants were all knocked over, all the sun protections down and a cushion unstuffed! Play seed and label and compost everywhere, as I said, mayhem. I am fairly sure there wasn’t another one hiding somewhere but will make sure tomorrow!
After lunch Tina had an appointment near Freeport so offered to drop me off there. I had a look in a couple of shops and had a drink before she collected me. I have proof that the naff nativity is indeed going to make an appearance again this year,
This yucca up there was looking lovely,
Tina was driving me into Hull for my appointment at the hospital this evening. As the appointment was for six we left early and had tea near the hospital as the traffic around Hull in the evenings is pretty bad. We had time to look in the pet shop ns admire the cut Guinea pigs,
In on time for the appointment this evening, Mr Haeney is happy with how the hand is healing and that I still have no night pain. I haven’t got any more appointments but he has said any worries and I can phone direct. He said he was optimistic that the numbness may improve a bit, but even if it doesn’t it has been a good decision to have it redone,


  1. I think al the birds thrive well at the seaside. They find plenty of leftovers from visitors and lots of bird food from the residents!
    The top looks really good and I’m sure it’s really warm. If the worst comes to the worst and you can’t get it off I’m sure the Rev will assist you 😄
    That workman is definitely top of his job. He scaled the ladder of success by the looks of it.
    Well at least the squirrel didn’t starve. Always an up side. He probably won’t come back again.
    They really push the boat out for that nativity. High quality building to house it in 😊
    The Guinea pigs are cute. You’ve got plenty of room, you could have some.
    The operation was a good choice. Doesn’t seem that long ago that you were thinking about it. Time does fly!

  2. The nativity bit made me smile, but it would look out of place in a swish stable! I wonder if any more characters will be missing this year.🤣
    What with the gulls and starlings there is no shortage of bird activity near the sea!
    The top is warm and very me!

  3. They might shock you. They’ll probably add a couple of high quality figurines this year!
