Tuesday 22 November 2022

Change of plan and a couple of niggles, but productive!

I had thought of walking to Freeport quite early and catching the bus home, just so that I kept up the walking although not to the extent of yesterday! Having said that, no real after effects any different to usual I had forgotten that Tina was going out and I needed to be in for the gas man who was coming at nine to do the annual checks,.he ended up being here for three and a half hours, so Tina did get to see him on her return. I got on with getting more stuff ready for the charity shop and make the gas man the occasional drink.
I have a real problem with the parking on our drive, the lack of consideration for others never ceases to amaze me, and when if affects our lawn or tubs I drives my nuts! Today someone parked again making it impossible for anyone else to drive round the as they should be able to. They also parked so close to our porch that it is a good job we didn’t hve any big deliveries! I should say that to park in that position meant driving over the lawn. So wasn’t feeling too impressed and then I heard an almighty crash and one of my treasured dishes had jumped off the dresser!
One did jump off before, I used to walk round and round the table during Covid and realised that continues movement made it shift on the stand. Since then I have checked regularly to make sure they are not near the edge, and made sure they were oka last week when I worked in the dining room. But the gasman was in and out in his working boots seeing to the gas fire, not his fault at all, but I presume it was the vibration that sped it along. Made me very sad!
I had quite a lot of stuff for the charity shop and loaded up the cart to endeavour to get it there in one go.
I took another bag over a bit later and also a photo of my twist and shape to show them.
The younger lady in the shop came back with me and took it to the shop, so another thing I don use gone, I will get there yet!
I really like the Abakus sewed crisps and order them in boxes of twelve packets from Amazon. A few day ago I received one packet of crisps in an mailing bag although I had paid for twelve as usual, and they are not cheap! I got onto Amazon and got a refund reasonably easily. Yesterday I ordered a box again as I have run out and today I received one packet again! Have organised another refund and think I will have to try going direct to the company!
Still on the decluttering drive, trying to be a little less sentimental!

1 comment:

  1. Made good use of the day in the end, and as you say,m hopefully the charity shop will benefit and some people get some bargains.
    Only two of the dishes in that set left now, so may move them way from that top shelf.
    Will try to get out for a walk tomorrow at some point.
