Friday 18 November 2022

Walks and visitors

I am trying to keep up the walking so before seeing Bel I went round passing the traffic lights and into the park. Photos from a different direction as I usually end up at this entrance.

Bel came to me as planned, we had a nice chat, she didn’t stop quite as long today as her hair appointment was earlier today as she was having a perm.
After a quick lunch I walked to the sea front. Quite a few pics as it wasn’t just the crashing waves but the movement as the waves rolled in that was great today.

Jean came to see me today as she is having a new kitchen put in at the moment. Another nice catch up and chat.
I had a veggie delivery today from Rafters but not a veggie box this time, I picked a selection of fruit and veg separately. The best bit is they had the romanesco cauliflowers. They look like a work of art and taste great too!
Maybe a bit of pedalling this evening, got to keep the exercise up!


  1. The park does look different from the opposite direction. The sign seems to cover most things they don’t want. Do you get many horses and ponies around your way?
    The sea looks very spectacular today. Certainly makes the walk there well worth the while. I never get tired of seeing the pics of it. I’m sure if I lived there I’d have to walk there every day myself.
    I know you like Fridays, visiting day. It’s also good as it means you have to take it a little bit easier than you normally do. Although after the walk around the park and to the sea and back you’ve had a fair bit of exercise. Forget the pedalling, you’ve done enough.
    I bet all the fruit and veg was good quality again. The romanesco cauliflowers are splendid looking things, and they taste good too, specially with lashings of cheese sauce!

  2. The sea was fabulous today, really pleased I decided to walk down there.
    Tinsel knitting while half watching the tv, I will get it finished this evening and may even get it on the tree.

  3. I look forward to seeing the finished article.
