Friday 4 November 2022

More plants and a tasty lunch!

A quieter day today. Bel came here this morning and we had a good catch up and a cuppa. When she left I walked to 
Botany Boutique to pick up my plant rescue box. Well it was a bag really. Five plants needing care and attention at a knock down price. They were looking sorry for themselves but have already picked up a little bit. I have looked them up to see the best way to help them back to health.I am getting a bit overrun with plants and terrariums but I will find space and do my best!
Tina was going away this afternoon and felt like a proper lunch before she went, so we had a meal over at Bemora. I had a Super matcha oat milk drink and a Japanese sushi salad, very lovely and healthy lunch, made up for too much bread yesterday!
I walked to Jeans this afternoon via the sea, it was a lovely afternoon again.

The sky was lovely when I sat with Jean but although the photo is okay from her lounge the colour cannot be seen!
I have done some washing and made some phone calls this evening, so a restful day compared to yesterday.


  1. I think you were due a quieter day after yesterday’s marathon trek.
    Hmmmm, plant rescue box, looks more like a plant funeral box! Good luck with that 😊 I’m sure you’ll bring them back to their full glory….eventually.
    The meal you had for lunch looks really nice. Does the matcha drink taste as good as it looks? The salad looks delicious. I suppose it’s basically sushi unwrapped. Think I’d like that place.
    It has been a nice day today. It was nice here, but you have the edge with the beach and sea. I just had roads and footpaths!
    Can’t see much colour in the pic, but I like the tree.
    A nice day from the sounds of it, with a couple of visits thrown in. All days should be like that. Hopefully the weekend won’t be too strenuous either.

  2. I really liked the matcha drink, might even try having some oat milk.
    A bit of walking, but not to much so all in all a pretty restful day.
    Thinking of going into town in the morning, catching an early bus, you can use the pass at anytime at the weekend.
