Friday 25 November 2022

A short walk and lights night!

I went to see Bel this morning, she is still doing well although I think she is finding it harder to be motivated and get out for a bit. But she keeps her house lovely and enjoys her reading and jigsaws and she was off to have her hair washed and set this afternoon. I got something for lunch on my way home.
After lunch I decided to walk to the front despite the fact that my right knee has been getting more painful just lately. It was a lovely day, so good to be put for a bit anyway. Did take some pics, reasonably busy but maybe people were gathering so that they would be around for Lights night.

Photos put of sync, I took a couple of pics of the post box on the way to the front.

And sitting in my rocking chair this morning I noticed the sun catching the butterflies I made at the glass art day. The photo actually shows it quite well, which surprised me.
The have quite good window displays in one of the charity shops.
I finished the Richard Osman book, really good, before heading to the church to see if they needed an extra helper. They didn’t but I walked round and took some photos and chatted to some of the helpers.

Tina said there had been quite a few comment about my tree when she came in.
I walked up and down the street, which is closed for the evening, very busy.

Watching the pretty dull football now, well, half watching it!


  1. I know how Bel feels. Don’t have much motivation myself at the moment.
    Hope the doc can give you another injection to help the knee a bit. Worth the walk to the front though. Looks quite nice there considering what the weather has been like lately. Love the pic of the sky.
    The post box topper is great. I’m surprised no one pinches them to be honest. They’d make a great Christmas decoration.
    The butterflies do look nice with the light coming through. You did well to actually catch it on a pic.
    The church is looking really good with all those trees in there. The locals do make a real effort at times with things like that. Looks like lots turned out for lights night too. Quite a community spirit.
    Football is always dull and boring. I’d rather poke sharp sticks in my eyes than watch it 😊

  2. I love the post box topper, some very clever knitters around, the Jubilee one was great as well.
    Over forty trees this year and a out 800 people through the church last night.
    Hopefully the local businesses had a successful evening.
