Wednesday 9 November 2022

Quite busy and plenty of steps!

I was out early to post letters and get something in for lunch. Had a cuppa with Tina after morning prayer then walked up to Freeport, had another cuppa and then caught the bus back. On the way up I took a photo of the trail for a change, may have a walk along it another day. The entrance to the allotments is there too.

I took a photo of the sky then and another one from the bus as we we about to set off.

After lunch I went along to Missy to buy a scarf for a present and got it wrapped and ready to send when I got back.
At the weekend I bought a craft stamp for a pound at the boot sale. Yesterday evening I tried it, prints really well.
I took the package down to the post office and went up to the see front on the way to the chemist to get my booster Covid jab.

Was in and out for the jab with no hanging about.
Before and after tea I made up a couple of Christmas cards.
I was hunting for the patchwork templates earlier and have stuff everywhere in the bedroom, so will be keeping busy this evening too.


  1. I does look as though you’ve be very busy today, and done a good amount of steps. Certainly more than me that’s for sure. I good day for sky pics too. You have some really good ones dotted through tonight’s entry. I particularly like 3, 6 and 8.
    The cheap craft stamp really does print well, specially for a complex one as it is. Perfect for Christmas cards too. Think I’m giving Christmas a miss this year.
    Being all jabbed up now you should be ok for the winter months. Hopefully no colds, sniffles etc.
    Sounds like you’re going to busy this evening sorting and tidying……again!

  2. Well, I can get to the bed now, so that’s a move in the right direction! I am trying not to leave things out when I have been crafting, but it takes the pleasure out of it a bit, as being able to go back to it when the mood takes is much better!
    The legs have not been good today, but not feeling too bad at the moment.
    Really pleased with the stamp, the complex ones sometimes have an irritation spot that just won’t print!
