Saturday 19 November 2022

Cakes iced!

After the shopping was delivered I got the shopping trolley and walked up to Tesco to get icing for the cakes. Also got the latest Richard Osman book reduced with an extra pound off with the club card. The old cemetery was open,I have walked by it hundreds of times but have never actually gone in. Didn’t stay long but may go fro a proper look mother time.

After getting the shopping I went up to the trail and walked to the sea front and had a cuppa before heading home.

After lunch I did ice the cakes, I have an aching wrist now, but I just have the decorations to make.
I have a unusual container that Darren found and today I made it up into a terrarium.

More rain expected over night so the boot sale is in the balance!
Time for Strictly now,


  1. Good day. Cakes finished, yayyyy. Soon be time to start again 😄 Plus a Richard Osman book, I know you really like him so you’ll enjoy that.
    Quite a few steps today too by the looks of it. Looks a reasonable day for a bit of walking. Ended up being wet here a lot of the time. I think cemeteries a good places to take pics. You can get some really nice pics on days with lots of shadows, or Misty days. Looks even better with leaves on the ground.
    The sea doesn’t look quite so dramatic today, but still not bad.
    I absolutely love the terrarium! I think it’s your best one yet. I’d have on display in my place without a second thought. Good old Darren for finding it. Tell him to get out there and find a few more 😊
    Hope it’s dry enough for booting tomorrow. Can’t have all those bargains going to waste!

  2. Yes, reasonable amount of exercise and a good job almost done!
    It was a bit damp and grey early on but it was quite pleasant while I was out.
    Don’t want to be finding too many more containers for terrariums, I will be needing more rooms!
