Wednesday 16 November 2022

Great morning for a great walk!

I caught an early bus into Hull, before bus pass time! There was an entertaining man from Sheffield who had lots of opinions on lots of things and was frustrated by the rarity of buses in Hornsea! There was an elderly man at the bus stop who tried to use his bus pass when he got on and the stranger bought his ticket for him. That was kind. We passed a disability supplies place, well stopped by it actually, we his traffic and it too an hour and twenty minutes to get into Hull. Anyway there was a pink vehicle which looked like the old invalid cars but maybe it is just the new version of mobility scooter now?
I set off towards the funky bridge, had a really great and reasonably long walk which I enjoyed, even the jiggly knee didn’t dampen my pleasure! Lots of pics, may throw the odd comment in!

Some unusual artwork.

There is a street of arty shops on the way back, near the old fruit market. I had a really delicious coffee in a car bar nd gallery, so even got to see some wacky art!

One more bridge pic on the way back.
Went into Princes Quay and this is definitely high on my wish list!
Last picture, you will be glad to hear, some paintings in a shop window on the way back to catch the bus.
Sarah and David called round with some bedding that we will find a home for if we don’t use it ourselves. They would have just taken it to the tip otherwise.
I am quite weary now so a relaxing evening I think.


  1. Well you certainly didn’t have problems uploading pics this evening! You have some really great pics in this edition of the blog. Looks like it was a reasonably nice day weather wise and you made the most of it for some nice shots. Too many to comment on individually. I have to say though that I’m shocked! You took a longish trip to Hull, took lots of extremely good pics, and there’s not a single one of the bridge! Don’t think I’ve ever known that before.
    The pink mobility scooter looks like a new version of one of the really old blue ones. I remember those well. A man up the road from me when I was a kid, yes I can occasionally remember that far back, had one. We all thought they were cool and wanted one ourselves.
    Art is a bit different these days compared to when art actually meant art! I could be an artist if all I had to do was get some trainers muddy 😄 Art, humbug!
    I think you should definitely treat yourself to the spider outfit, or drop very unsubtle hint to others you live with and who may be reading this 😄
    Not surprised your weary, I’d be knackered if I did half as much as you do!
    Hope you are actually having a relaxing evening. Can’t imagine you’ll sit and rest all evening.

  2. It has been a good days so weary in a good way.
    Yes, a lot of photos, couldn’t decide on more to delete.
    I couldn’t see the bridge, even when I got to the waters edge!
    No problems uploading tonight, didn’t get thrown off once!
