Sunday 6 November 2022

Chilly boot sale and lunch out with Darren

It was misty and very cold when I was out feeding the birds at six thirty but we still went to the boot sale as usual. Not many traders there today but I did get a couple of coloured glass items to do some more unusual terrariums. Our usual snack bar is going to be closed for a couple of weeks and the other one uses rolls that I find just too doughy, but today they said they were doing chips, so Darren had his usual sausage bap and I had chips for breakfast! Not the healthiest start but they were lovely fresh from a deep fat fryer! I did get some small shells as well which I can use in the terrariums.
A while ago I got some special puzzle saver glue reduced in a sale. The bird jigsaw has been n the table for a while so today I sealed it. Have nowhere to display it really but it is a nice picture and the glue worked.did two coats n the front and one on the back.
Darren drove us to Cherry Lane garden centre near Beverley.  We waited a ridiculously long time for our food but it was really tasty when we did eventually get it! I got some ready mixed terrarium compost and a large sack of chippings, which will be good for tubs and when I repot the bonsai trees next spring. There were some overly fish near the exit, the first couple of photos were so pale as I could see them really clearly, then Darren suggested I took one from a different angle which is much clearer.

It did brighten up for a while but remained cold and this evening it has been raining. Nearly time to don the oversized hoodie I think!


  1. Well, there were chips with my lasagne and salad!
    I have too many house plants and now terrariums, need to start being neglectful or find them new homes!
    I have sealed jigsaws before, but that glue was particularly easy to use and dried very quickly.
    You were asking about Ellie Simmonds in Strictly Mike, she has gone out this week.

  2. That’s a shame she’s gone out. But she was in there quite a while.

  3. Yes, she made the half way mark, and well nd truly held her own.
