Saturday 5 November 2022

Early trip to Hull

I was up early and fed the birds and cats then got ready to catch the 7.40 am bus into Hull. You can use the bus pass at any time over the weekend. A lovely yucca in one of the gardens near the bus stop.
A bit more Hull graffiti, this time on the shutter in front of a cosmetic training business.
I had some breakfast at a cafe on the station and then did some shopping for toiletries in St Stephens. I also got an adult, one size hoodie for snuggling up indoors, picture later! I have mentioned Dancing Lane many times, took a boring photo of the sign today, it makes the journey for me, I would so like to live in Dancing Lane!!
I was home about 11.15 and after a cuppa with Darren I went to the charity shops looking for plastic trays to use for plants and potting when I am making the terrariums. I got a couple and a colours glass bowl. It had a white plastic dish stuck to the top with something like very sticky plasticine. It took a while to remove the sticky mess without damage the colour too much.
I decided to make up the terrarium in the coloured bowl, think it works quite well.

The plant rescue box was actually in a brown paper bag which Pandora was interested in and then a leaf caught her eye!

Will finish off with the oversized hoodie!


  1. An early trip into Hull, but at least then you get home at a sensible time too.
    I do like the graffiti, when it’s nice graffiti if you know what I mean. You have to be quite talented to do it well. Makes great pics too.
    Yes, I remember you talking about Dancing Lane. Over the years I’ve come across a few well named roads and have said I’d love to live there, but sadly I can’t remember one of them at the moment. Old age and a bad memory is a damn nuisance. Who are you? 😊
    Your charity shop finds are good ones as usual. I think the open terrarium looks really good with the coloured glass. You really are getting the hang of them now. They’re lovely.
    What is it with cats, bags and boxes? They have to squeeze into the smallest ones even when there are nice cosy seats to be had elsewhere! I don’t think anyone will ever figure them out totally. The fact that most cats have a distinct fear of cucumbers and marrows always makes me laugh 😊
    I love the new hoodie. You look like an Eskimo 😄 Bet it’s nice and warm though. Think I’m going to invest in something similar very soon. It’s getting very cold 🥶

  2. It was great to get in early, not too busy in town and buses on time as well! The hoodie is very warm and snuggly, will certainly be great if we have a cold winter. We have five charity shops in the town, I didn’t go to the Greyhound one, so maybe try there next week!
    I sent a pic of the coloured glass one to the lady at Botany Boutique and she wants to use it on her social media page!
    Pandora was quite playful this afternoon, she is curled up on sone of my chairs now.
