Friday 11 November 2022

Visiting day

I went to see Bel this morning, she was fine, said she was feeling her age when she went to Tesco yesterday, but at ninety, still driving and doing her shopping, and no help in the house, doing more than fine I think!
I tried another terrarium which may yet get dismantled, but you need to practice to learn!

This afternoon I had a bit of a walk by the see on the way to Jean’s. Turned out another nice day except for the wind being a bit chilly. Passed the URC on the way.

Good chat with Jean, she is getting stressed as the work on their new kitchen starts next week!
Last night I got chilled sitting knitting tinsel so this evening I am wearing the huge hoodie!


  1. Bel sounds like she’s doing very well for her age. I hope I’m like that if I actually reach 90!
    The latest terrarium looks ok, but I think your idea of doing it sideways when we spoke earlier is probably the way to go. You’d be able to see the plants a lot easier. But as you say, practice makes perfect.
    I like your pic of the church. Very nice lighting. I’d lose the van though I think.
    The beach looks nice in the pics, but with the chilly wind not quite as warm as it looks. You’re definitely slipping as well. Two of the three pics with horizons aren’t level 😄 Not like you at all.
    Conjures up a pic in my head. You sitting in the huge hoodie knitting tinsel 😂 You couldn’t make it up.

  2. A quieter day, but still a reasonable amount of exercise.
    Bel does really well and her house puts my efforts to shame.
    Will do some more terrariums before too long, give it more thought next time!
