Thursday 24 November 2022

Crafty tree in the church!

Today was the day for setting up trees in the church, over forty this year I believe. The church will be open on Lights Night tomorrow and a lot of people go through to see the trees. I got the tree downstairs last night and today I got the wheelbarrow round ready to get the tree to the church. Thankfully it was dry this morning which was a blessingl
The decorations were in the boxes. I got the tree into place in the church and then brought the wheelbarrow home before going back to arrange the decorations.
I had to lift it down again onto the pew as I couldn’t reach the higher branches and safer to move the tree than have me climbing onto the pew!
Pretty pleased with the result and the tree seems remarkably strong! Had me cup of tea and a mince pie and chatted to other people setting up their trees then came back and gathered up another box I had ready for the charity shop! Haven’t got anything else ready to go at the moment but they have had a fair bit of stuff!
I have done a bit of reading today and took some more bird food supplies down to the greenhouse when they were delivered. 
When Tina came home from her meeting we went to Hornse garden centre for a late lunch. Took a picture of one of the trees there, they have a lot around the place!
We had a look round and I bought three books by a different author, Tina said they are quite good stories so thought ai would give them a try as it was a good offer, and I had 85p on the loyalty card, so even better!
It was raining again when we came home and really cold!
I have watered the indoor plants nd not intending to do a lot more this evening. Enjoying the Richard Osman book so will probably settle down with that.


  1. Well considering you were unsure as to whether the tree would ever be strong enough, I think it turned out pretty damn well. It’s totally different to any other tree that’ll be on display. The next thing will be be where to store it when you bring it home 😊 I love the fact that you wheeled it round to the church in a wheelbarrow 😄 Really pleased you decided not to balance yourself on a pew. Asking for trouble that is!
    I think you’ve almost stocked that charity shop single handed this week.
    Those Agatha Raisin books should be good. They made a tv series of them a while ago.
    Settling down with a book sounds a great way to spend this evening. I think you’ve done more than enough lately.

  2. There are a lot of books in that series so if I like them I will have plenty to look out for.
    Really pleased I persevered with the tree, it is certainly different.
