Saturday 12 November 2022

Walk, terrarium and cakes!

Not lots to report really, after the shopping had been delivered I went to see if they had the marzipan in at Leafy Sea Dragon. They didn’t, so I got the shopping trolley and walked up to Tesco where I got stocked up! My knee was painful again today so I had to sit nd have a rest when I got home! I decided to use one of the little sundae glasses I bought a while ago and make a mini terrarium. Happy with this one!

After lunch I set to and managed to get all seven cakes marzipaned! That really tested my wrist as it is still quite sensitive. And definitely needed a sit down after that!
No boot sale tomorrow as Darren is working. May even get into the garden, you never know,


  1. Sounds like you’ve had plenty of exercise again, probably too much! Sounds like the knee thought so anyway.
    I think the terrarium looks lovely. I like the fact it’s layered too, as a sundae would be. Very nice indeed.
    That’s a lot of marzipanning to do in one session. I’m not surprised your wrist gave you jip after that. But it’s a good job out of the way now at least. It’s hard work making cakes, but they do taste good and the eating of them isn’t so hard 😄 Soon be Christmas!
    Maybe tomorrow should be a day of rest rather than gardening.

  2. It felt like a tiring day but a productive one which is good. The cakes are well on the way now, will start thinking about how to decorate them.
    I am pleased with the sundae dish terrarium, practice makes perfect.
