Tuesday 15 November 2022

A bit boring, I am no housework lover!

It has been a seriously horrid day, rainy, cold and windy. I went out early as I wanted to send a book to my sister, it started to rain as I set out and has continued all day. I did walk along the sea front, but only took one photo!
I have been out twice more, just to go to the charity shop, I practically live there! Apart from that I have been doing household chores, not my favourite activity by any means, and certainly don’t make too regular habit of it! So a short post today.
I took a picture from my chair last night of the Christmas cactus.
It is supposed to be drier tomorrow so may go out on the bus to Hull or Beverley.


  1. Yes, it’s been a pretty horrid day here too. RaIned on and off most of the day and has been generally wintery. It always looks better your way as you have the foamy sea to admire on rough days. Almost make them worth while….almost 😊
    Household chores, how boring 😊 At least you got out to the charity shop. Hopefully just dropping stuff off and not bringing anything back!
    I quite like the cactus pic.
    I hope it’s a bit drier up there tomorrow so you can get out. Should be a bit easier galavanting around Hull or Beverly rather than doing chores.

  2. Definitely dropping stuff off!
    Will be good to get out on the bus tomorrow .
