Monday 7 November 2022

Walk and flaky pastry!!

I went for a walk to the library this morning to order the next book in the Vera series. It was open and I will get an email when it arrives. When I pass the cafe at the leisure centre it reminds me that I want to try and make flaky pastry. I had the best sausage roll there ever and think it was flaky pastry! On the way to the library they were steam cleaning the area near the remembrance structure, I imagine they are making sure it is all up to scratch for Sunday.
I did have a short walk actually n the beach today.

A bit of shopping on the way home and I changed the bed linen before lunch. 
This afternoon I made sausage rolls with flaky pastry, may not be doing it too often but they are okay, not nearly as nice as the one from the cafe though!
Too many to cook in the Ninja but only had the top oven on for a while!
I have repotted one of the rescue plants, cut quite a lot of root away, so will have to see if it is a case of kill or cure!
Off to see Sarah and David this evening, they will want to here about my epic trip to see Margherita on Thursday.


  1. Blimey, the library was open for a change, you were lucky!
    I’m guessing you’re right about the cleaning. Seems daft to do it specially. It’s a bit like they always said the queen thought all railway stations smelt of paint as they always repainted them when she was passing through 😊
    Was you butch enough on the beach to go barefoot or was it too cold? It doesn’t look too wonderful in the pics.
    I think I made flakey pastry once. Not as bad as puff pastry, but still a faff to do! They look nice though.
    Hope your evening visit went well.

  2. The evening was okay and it wasn’t a bad day. Managed to miss the rain although it was a bit chilly and grey!
    Wondering whether to repot another plant. Maybe wait and see if the other one survives first!
