Thursday 10 November 2022

Open day at Men in Sheds

This morning Tina drove us up to the Men in Sheds venue as they were having an open day. There are ladies as well called the Crafty Shedders. The men make wooden items and also recycle donated furniture which they sell. Lots of craft stalls today and we had tea and cake. Gave Tina a chance to catch up with lots of folk from the town. I just bought a nasturtium plant which the lady told me the leaves, which are edible taste a bit like rocket. I also got a cushion cover to make, ridiculously cheap, probably because the instructions aren’t complete!
After an early lunch I went for a walk. The legs were bad last night and really did want to be walking today, but I set off along Newbegin and down Witty’s Passage. As you near the end you cross a couple of roads and then there is n underpass that leads to the sea and the trail goes across the top, so I made my way up the steps.

This photo is very nearly monochrome and I like it.
Walking down Southgate it was a surprise to see how the renovation on this old chapel has come along. This building has been behind fencing with danger signs since we moved here.
I called into see Sher at Botany Boutique and was allowed to take a photo inside. No hint implied by the sign!
I ordered some tweezers to use when making up terrariums, have put my normal sized ones next to them!
I did sort out a bag of stuff that we took up for the Crafty Shedders this morning, so a couple more empty containers and more putting things away again after my walk!
I have moved quite a lot of the plants onto the mantle piece out of direct sunlight and they are all happy! I have never had some many buds all at once on the Christmas cactus!
I am enjoying reading the first book in a new series by Ann Cleeves, the detective is called Matthew Venn. I wonder if it will end up on tv like Vera nd Shetland. So a bit of reading this evening I think.


  1. Quite a busy day again. I bet the Men in sheds and the Shedders was really interesting. A good group to attend if you’re into that sort of thing. Shame I’m so unsociable or I could join one!
    The cushion is perfect for you and I’m sure you get on fine without instructions. I look forward to seeing the finished article in a week or so 😊
    You’re determined to give those legs plenty of exercise. I hope it does the trick in making them easier and not worse. It certainly seems to be better the more you use them from what you’ve said. I fair walk today from the looks of it, although worth it for the one pic you really like. I really like it too. It is virtually black and white which really works.
    I assume the old chapel is now going to be residential. I’d like arch top windows like that. Should get plenty of light in there.
    I like the Botany Boutique. Lots of good stuff to buy I; there, including gift cards 😊 The tweezers are gigantic! You’ll have to buy some taller dishes and bottles now.
    The Christmas cactus is doing really well. I’ve had a couple of them over the years, but only every managed to keep them alive for a couple of years.
    I would think there’s a good chance your new book series will end up on tv. She a successful author with a couple of hit series already. They’d be daft not to.

  2. Didn’t buy anything in the plant shop today but wa able to tell her how the rescue plants are doing and she is very interested to see how the tree looks when it is fully decorated.
    It is a very long way to the Men in sheds building, but I think the buses still go up there so maybe I could think about it!
    Not a bad walk, not quite so far and I was ready to get home as the legs were!
    Not sure I will do the cushion, it is on canvas and not marked out and the picture isn’t that special! I have plenty of other things to fill my time, a neglected garden moving up the list now!

  3. The Crafty Shedders would suit you. It’s a long way to go though, and another thing to fit into your burgeoning itinerary!
    Don’t mention the garden. If you don’t mention it, it won’t need doing. That’s how it works.
