Monday 14 November 2022

Maybe pics, maybe not!

I am going to start by trying to get a photo loaded from yesterday. I did try earlier and still no joy. No updates available and I have emailed the support team, so fingers crossed it will be up and running fain before too long. Let’s try a sweet jar terrarium photo!
Okay, one on so let’s keep going. A couple of cobweb pics.

And a couple of misty ones and then start on today!

This morning Pandora came to sit on me as usual and looked particularly pretty today!
Darren and Tina are off this week and we’re heading off to York for a few days, so we had breakfast together at Lily’s. I said I would walk down and met them there. A lot of reefs in the memorial garden.
Some sea pictures of course!

That one obviously not sea, just the effect of sea air on the wood!
I walked back along part of the trail.
Loved the leaves on this plant along Witty’s Passage.
After Darren and Tina left I finished reading The Long Call which I really enjoyed and then after lunch I went out and tidied up the walled garden for an hour. No pictures as it was boring except this cheeky robin who appeared to see what I had uncovered!
I spent some time after that sorting out some stuff in the dining room and bringing anything I had in there upstairs.
Have been to see Sarah and David this evening and now, as you can see, I have managed to upload the photos today.


  1. Well it looks like the pics are uploading ok. Some really good ones tonight. Too many to mention individually, but the one of the cars coming towards you in the mist is great, as is the one of the waves crashing that looks like it’s black and white on the right and coloured on the left! Lots that make use of the mist and of patterns. Overload tonight 😊
    The redone terrarium looks so much better than the first attempt. They all take practice though.
    Cobwebs do make great pics with a bit of dew on them. Also when you go out on a dewy morning you realise just how many of them are about!
    Pandora does look cute there. Butter wouldn’t melt!
    That is a lot of wreaths, hopefully the oiks won’t “rearrange” them!
    The sea does look a bit rough today. I wonder if that fisherman caught his dinner?
    After a nice breakfast with Darren and the Rev at least you had a reasonable walk to burn a bit of it off 😊
    I think the last pic is a really good one. Lots going on and some nice colours. I hadn’t even noticed the robin until I read the text 😊

    1. It was a nice surprise when it was working again tonight as it still wasn’t having any of it this afternoon. The misty weather has made for some different pics.
      Fingers crossed it will stay working from now on.
