Thursday 1 December 2022

Good to see you Rachel!

This morning I went to the shops to get something in for lunch and them made sure the room was ready for Rachel.
I didn’t go and see Sarah and David last night as Sarah wasn’t feeling too well, but they had wanted some help fixing some toppers on Christmas crackers! She got in touch this morning saying she felt better, so I went down as I am going to be busy for the next few days.
Rachel arrived at lunch time after a journey that had taken her on a roundabout route, these Satnavs have a mind of their own! We had our lunch and then went for a wander in the town. We had a super matcha drink in Bemora!
Took a photo of a window so display over the road.
More nattering and then an hour with low light and no electric things on for our energy saving hour! Then we had takeaway with 
Darren and Tina. Just chilling now.


  1. Hi Rachel 😊
    Well at least you got a couple of jobs out the way this morning. Don’t think you’ll be doing much else for a while apart from nattering. But that definitely a good thing.
    You’re all being very good with the save electricity hour. I have visions of the whole household sitting around a solitary candle 😊
    Enjoy your time with Rachel and carry on taking it easy.

  2. Plenty more chat and catching up and getting out a bit.
