Thursday 1 July 2021

Beverley bargains!

We went to Beverley today because Tina had banking to do. But we both like Beverley so it was a happy decision. After the banking we walked through the town to a nice little cafe on one of the side streets. Fairly quiet upstairs and we had a posh version of a sausage sandwich!

After some shocking we walked back to the car park where the car was charging. Took pictures of a shop and a house because they had nice floral displays.

Then we saw this palm with the muse amazing flowers!
I bought a great Regatta coat in the charity shop for £5.99.
I had a browse in the antique centre while Tina went to buy some walking boots and bought the cutest piglet ornament that ai have ever seen for £4.
When we got to the car Tina’s phone was playing up and she couldn’t shop the charge, so the cable wasn’t released! Luckily there was a phone number and they were able to stop the charge remotely so that we could drive away!
This afternoon I worked in the back garden for over an hour cleaning up an area in the back garden. Managed to get all but one of the plants still waiting in the pots into the ground. Didn’t take photos but did take one of the absolutely gorgeous delphinium.
Feeling a bit weary again so not planning to do much this evening.


  1. Glad to hear you and Tina managed to get out for a little trip. You usually do something and have a little giggle on the Thursday 😊 The cafe looks a very nice place, and that is the poshest sausage sarney I’ve ever seen! I really like that house with the large front door surround, it looks extremely British with all those baskets of flowers. I could happily live there.
    You look really cool and “with it” in the new white jacket and what looks like tie dyed jeans! Very nice. Darren looks as interested as usual in the background 😄
    The pig ornament is soooooo cute. The look on its little face…..awwwww. Had to be bought!
    These electric cars are devils for not wanting to disconnect from the charger point. Think you need to carry an axe in the boot for emergency situations!
    Glad you didn’t go too mad in the garden today. But when you have lovely plants like that growing I can see why your keen to keep it tidy.
    Not surprised you’re weary, probably all that gadding about with the Rev!

    1. A nice trip to Beverley, we both like it there, a lovely rather quaint town a bit like Stamford.
      I have had some good buys at the antique centre and the charity shops have good quality stuff at reasonable prices.
      The little piglet is adorable.
      We do have some lovely plants this year.
