Wednesday 30 June 2021

Last tests for now!

This morning I had an appointment to have X-rays at the local cottage hospital. I was expecting hands, feet and neck, but after yesterday was not sure what they would actually take as I was expecting all three yesterday but just had hands checked. I left in plenty of time so that I could take a slow walk as my legs were aching today. I am a walking wreck! I thought this house with the roses along the front looked attractive, quite old worldly.
As I was early I walked to the post box before going to the appointment. I was asked to sit in a waiting area and there was a fabulous decorated wall there.
A lovely lady again and she did take all three lots of X-rays. I then walked up to the sea, passing there three walled beds which I thought were lovely.

It was really quite cold by the sea, more like winter than the last day of June!
Tina was out to lunch today so I decided to have fish and chips in a restaurant and really enjoyed it.
Walking home through the memorial garden took a picture of this peony.
This afternoon I went into the front garden intending just to pull a few of the larger weeds, but ended up doing about two hours weeding and hoeing in the large bed in the front with the sign in. Didn’t take pictures but removed over a garden cart full of rubbish.
I was watching some tennis earlier and a Pandora got on my lap. She loves to stretch right done my legs, she is a weird cat in many ways!

She was wagging her tail well because I dared to move!
Have done a bit of tidying, another never ending task like the garden, but it is feet up for the rest f the evening.


  1. Well hopefully now you’ve had the x-rays done there should be no excuse for them not to find a miraculous cure for you! Well that’s the theory anyway, but best to keep your fingers crossed just in case. I know how much you’re struggling at the moment with most things. Which is harder for someone like you because you like being active. Always the way though isn’t it?
    That is a great picture on the wall in the waiting room. Not many chairs though. I think that’s taking social distancing to the extreme!
    They do seem to take a pride in the public flowerbeds up north. I always remember how neat and tidy Peasholm Park was. Come to think of it that’s probably why you like to keep your gardens looking so nice.
    Glad you managed to get fish and chips inside the restaurant for a change. It’s nice having them outside on the bench, but so much easier when you have a nice comfortable seat and table in a warm place. Bet you really enjoyed it.
    Pandora does look comfortable as usual, although it would be nice if she laid with her head facing you instead of her bum sometimes 😄

  2. There were two chairs, well apart where I was sitting!
    They do take a lot of care with the beds in the town and the hanging baskets,
    Will try to get my telephone consultation in a couple of weeks and see where we go with the hand problem then.
    Pandora does like to be at full stretch!
