Wednesday 14 July 2021

Shark Awareness Day

We really need to be aware of sharks, especially if swimming in the sea!
I wrote a couple of letters yesterday evening  so walked along to post them this morning. Rob came to mow the lawns and I did go and trim the edges in the front garden.
I ordered a Revitive Medic Knee machine a few days ago and it arrived today. So I unpacked it and had a read then did have a thirty minute session. I will try the thigh pads tomorrow as they are specifically to strengthen the quads to help the knees. Got to give everything or anything a try!
Almost forgot that I had my telephone consultation about my hands as the test results were all back. The doctor said that it is definitely carpel tunnel and I had to decide whether I wanted to live with it or go for surgery. I said I thought injections were and option and he said that is is. So he will now send off a referral to an appropriate specialist. I also asked if ai could use other pain killers in addition to the prescribed ones and he said I can take paracetamol as well. He also said he would increase the strength of the night time tablet . So now I wait for an appointment for the next step.
There is a lovely bush in the garden but is hidden by a larger one in front of it. I may have to move one of them in the autumn.
Tina had to go into Hull to collect some printing and she also wanted to buy some blackout material. So we headed off and had lunch out as well which was nice. We went into The Range, they didn’t sell blackout fabric and we left without buying anything. That is probably the first time ever as The Range is a great shop! Then we went to Dunelm, they didn’t sell blackout fabric either but I did buy some material, might get back into quilt making!
Tina got some great trimmings which she will use as decoration at the horticultural show later in the year. So cute, I may get some if we go there again.
Have been out to visit Sarah and David this evening, and just relaxing before I retire.


  1. Today’s day is definitely more relevant to you than me 😊
    Hopefully the Revitive will help with the knees, but it’ll be nice to sit and relax with on in an evening. I wonder if it travels through cats if they’re sitting on you lap?
    At least you know about the hands for sure now, and the extra painkillers should help a bit. I’m sure a consultant will agree to give you the injections.
    Glad you got out for a little trip to Hull. Shame you couldn’t actually get what you went for, but the materials are really nice and do screen quilt! The bee trimmings are gorgeous 😊
    A varied day again for you. Would be nice to have a good night to round it off.

    1. I was a nice little trip out and I was pleased the Revitive arrived, fingers crossed it does some good. I will be interested to see what using the thigh pads is like.
      Very nice material, may get some plain pastels to work in with them.
