Friday 2 July 2021

Surprise trip to Bridlington

This morning Bel, the elderly, recently widowed lady came here to have a cuppa and a chat. I was worried that her wheeled Walker wouldn’t do well on the gravel drive so I met her and walked down with her. It actually did roll reasonably well. I will go to her house again next Friday. She does still have a car and likes driving so we discussed having a trip to a garden centre some time.
After lunch I had planned to go in the garden but thought I would phone Carol to see if she could cut my hair today or tomorrow. She said to go straight round and she would cut it and then we could go out for a coffee. I didn’t need asking twice and after my trim we went to her house so she could change her shoes. I sat in the car, they have a sea view so took a picture.
Then we set off to Bridlington. I took a picture of a kite and then the view before we went to the leisure centre for a coffee.

The view from the cafe.
The land train stopped outside the cafe and we decided to get a return ticket and have a ride along to Sewerby Hall.
We saw these flying machines, Tina tells me they are paragliders, I didn’t know but fancy a go on one! Made the little trip well worth while!

We had a little two seater compartment, and it was a lovely day. Carol was enjoying it.
One more shot of the sea before we made out way back to the car via a couple of shops.
After tea I watered the tubs in the front garden and the whole of the back garden.
Have done a little bit of pedalling this evening.
Maybe will get into the garden tomorrow.


  1. Sounds like a really nice day. They should all be like that.
    I hope Bel was impressed with the vicarage and gardens.
    Carol sounds a really nice lady, and the two of you obviously get on really well. Neither of you take twice to think about getting out for a coffee. You picked a great day for it. Bridlington is really nice. I didn’t manage to get a ride on the land train when I was there, but I remember our visit to Sewerby Hall very well.
    Please stay away from paragliders! You don’t have many fully working extremities left! You’re not safe to be let out on your own 😄

  2. It was a lovely surprise trip, and as you say, perfect weather too.
    Bel was pleased to see the vicarage as she had never been in before and she liked the back garden.
    Hopefully more trips out with Carol, had my hair cut too.
