Monday 26 July 2021

A couple of memories!

Today has been relatively quiet, but mor of that later. I have put pictures from the Ghana trip fourteen years ago on the blog before. This memory came up today and made me smile. I did do some painting at the farm they had, well, more a large allotment really, but they wanted some images on the shed. They produced this crazy ladder for me to reach up higher! I was aware that health and safety hadn’t arrived in Ghana, but I drew the line at actually trying to  ladder.
The other memory is from three years ago and a very cute picture of Isobel.
I had an uncomfortable night and wasn’t feeling on top form today, so I have done odd jobs around the house taking breaks when I felt like it. Did doze for half an hour in the recliner at one point. After going to the shop I decided to blanch a cabbage from the veggie box, it was big and I didn’t want to waste it. We now have a bag of cabbage in the freezer!
One of the small sunflower plants in the front has opened, I too a photo this morning and another one when I was watering this evening!

I watered the front garden before going to see Sarah and David and took a picture of dahlia.
I watered the back garden when I came home and managed not to trip over the hose!
I did get some washing dried on the line today which was good, although I would have been happier if the rain had arrived!


  1. I remember the ladder well! You’re not safe on the ground let alone climbing up a death trap! 😊
    Glad to hear you didn’t overdo things today, specially as you were feeling wonderful. But from what I can gather you kept yourself busy and lots of jobs got done.
    Sunflowers are so nice. I really like the shorter ones. A bit easier to look after. They really stand out, making everything look bright.
    Hopefully you’ll get a good nights sleep to round the day off….hopefully.

    1. Or even weren’t. Must read before I hit send!

    2. The first rung of the ladder at my waist, a challenge too far!
      Yes, took it steady but got bits and pieces done so a pretty good day really.
      If it is a bit cooler tomorrow may manage a bit of time in the garden.
