Tuesday 13 July 2021

Barbershop Music Appreciation Day

I love barbershop music, Tina and I went to a barbershop concert in Hull a lot of years ago, about thirty years I should think.
My day certainly started off more active, slowed down a bit later though. The area I put a photo of yesterday with the giant sea kale was where I was going to start. It ended up being the only area I sorted today.
It took me about half an hour to cut them back and then I had a mountain of stuff to reduce down to get into the bin!
I spent another hour and a half removing the debris and then hoeing the bed over a bit.
This beautiful hydrangea was hidden under an ornamental grass.
Reducing the branches down was quite hard work so I had a quieter afternoon, I did some crosswords and wrote a couple of letters. I had a delivery of 25k of suet pellets for the birds, they weren’t all in one pack. Got them down to the greenhouse using the trolley. This is only a weed growing on the lawn but ai thought it was interesting.
I got dinner for five as Darren was going to archery and leaves quite early. I was having a quiet evening when I got an email from Martin the tree surgeon saying there was a pile of logs, ash and oak, when’re he had been working behind the church. They are perfect for the stag beetle stack ai want to get in the garden, so I went down and got the wheelbarrow and went round to collect some!
Definitely enough exertion for one day!
Feet up and trying not to doze off now.


  1. I like barbershop music too, but you don’t see it on the TV like you used to.
    Wow, that’s quite a transformation in that front corner. It does look a huge pile of rubbish that came out of there. The difference is amazing. Think that’s enough work for anyone. I really don’t think you needed to be barrowing wood and bird food as well as everything else! I would say it’ll make you sleep tonight, but I doubt it will ☹️
    I actually like the solitary weed. Dead and disheveled things like that look good, specially with an out of focus background.
    I think you’re deserving of a bit of feet up time. Bet Pandora agrees 😊

    1. Maybe tonight the sleep will come, ever the optimist! Probably sleepin and miss my telephone consultation!
      Yes, the corner does look tidy again now, for a little while. I was pleased with my efforts today.
