Friday 16 July 2021

Change of timetable!

I have decided that I will not sit and watch tv in the evening but go out and do a bit in the garden, especially while it is so hot. I did sit and think about cards I need to make this afternoon and did some rough designs,
This morning Bel came to visit for a while, I got the quilts out to show her and we had a good chat. When she left I walked down to the post box and called in at the shop for something for lunch. Bel had been sitting on one of the French style chairs and when she left the cushion was on the seat, so when I got back you may be able to guess where Pandora was!
I wrote a couple of notes to friends I have been neglecting a bit so after lunch I went down the road again but this time walked back through the park for a change. It really is a lovely space and it wasn’t at all busy today.

This afternoon the cats were in the porch looking intently at the bottom of the door, I couldn’t see what they could see!
Aww, butter wouldn’t melt!!
Will close now, the garden beckons.


  1. A change of timetable is a good idea as long as it doesn’t mean you’ll be on the go all day. Hopefully you’ll have a bit of relaxation during the day to make up for your evening slavery.
    It does sound like you’ve taken it reasonably easy today. Visitors and a bit of walking sounds good.
    Pandora does look extremely comfortable on that cushion. She does seem to sleep a lot. A cats life is mainly good, and definitely good living with you as you spoil them rotten 😊
    The park looks really nice. It looks absolutely huge. I don’t remember it being that big when I walked through it. It’s a great place to have on your doorstep though. It’s a shame it’ll be full of kids and hooligans very shortly with the school summer break!
    Don’t go mad in that garden this evening!

    1. A quieter day although I have been out for almost two hours in the garden this evening,
      The park is over a pretty big area and nice because it is undulating.
