Tuesday 27 July 2021

Memory like a sieve!

Emptying my bag this evening I found something else I bought at the boot sale on Sunday, and I was so thrilled with them! Such pretty little teaspoons and the six for a pound.
I held them as they really are dainty.
Today I have had another pretty easy day. Some household stuff as Tina is due home later tonight.
There is another plant in the front garden which is attracting the bees, really doing my pit for our honey making friends!
Lesley has hurt her back so I went round to see her and have a cuppa this afternoon. It was a bit hot for weeding anyway! Took a couple of photos in her garden.

When I was doing some watering I am afraid I can’t resist taking pictures of the bees!

I am going to Doncaster tomorrow to meet Anya for a few hours. Making an early start so have tried to get everything ready this evening.


  1. You wait until your memory is like mine, then start to worry 😊 They are nice teaspoons. Trouble is that you’ll have to invite 5 people to tea to use then!
    You say another pretty easy day as if it’s a bad thing. Every day should be an easy day for you.
    You certainly do look after the insects in your garden. Bees are a little easier to photograph as they’re slightly bigger. They do move damn fast though!
    I really hope you get a reasonable night tonight. I know you’re going at silly o’clock. Suppose you can kip on the bus and the train. Don’t forget to get off though! Enjoy a bit of time with Anya.

  2. First time on a train for a while, will be interesting to see how busy it is.
    I have enjoyed my couple of quieter days.
