Friday 23 July 2021

First bus trip since ‘freedom day’.

I caught the bus into Hull today, not many of us on the bus and everyone was wearing a mask, so a good many people are taking things cautiously. Hull city council are installing cycle lanes everywhere and bus lanes are now buses only all of the time. This means most of the city is single lanes now, it is a busy place and it has been causing terrible congestion and lot of very unhappy drivers! I wanted a couple of bus timetables and some leave in conditioner so got those jobs out of the way first. Had a refreshment break and then tried to do some gift shopping. Not successfully but I enjoyed spending some leisurely time wandering around.

As I was heading back to the bus station I saw this sign, will be great when it opens.
Out of sync again, took a couple of photos in the garden before I caught the bus.

When I got home my veggie box had been delivered. I think if anything they are getting even better!
I went into the garden to dead head some flowers when I saw the subject for one of my most unlikely subjects! I don’t like slugs and this one was on one of the watering cans. Never really seen a face before!

Trying to do this with a cat n my lap so will finish here!


  1. I think people will be careful, specially on buses. You seem to get older people on buses a lot of the time and they are generally more sensible. Hull sounds great fun for drivers. I think a lot of big places are trying harder to keep the cars away from the centres by making it difficult for them. Hull does have some nice buildings which make good photo subjects. That shop does sound like it’ll be worth a visit once it opens.
    What a great veg box. You’ll be so healthy soon with all the tempting fruit and veg you’re getting. It really does look quality stuff.
    I really don’t like slugs either, but they do make good photo subjects. Never took a close up of one myself. Quite interesting. Still don’t like them though 😊

    1. Took my time in town, it wasn’t too busy so quite enjoyable. The bus didn’t get too caught up as there were bus lanes, but I know commuters are tearing their hair out, and it is putting casual visitors off a bit.
      I have been so pleased with the boxes, the contents have been fresh and lasted well every time.
      I still don’t like slugs. Unusual to find one of the watering can, it is usually snails.
