Tuesday 20 July 2021

Early start, enjoy your holiday Tina!

Up at 4.45am to make sure Tina was up and about ready for her early start, being picked up at 5.45am. She got away okay and is now settled in Orkney.
I set off for a walk just after six, I had done a bottle of water to take and realised when I was nearing the sea that I had left it on the stairs! I ended up walking for almost an hour only stopping to take a few pictures en route. But when I was waiting with Tina I took a couple of pictures in the front garden. One of the sky and the other of the fabulous yucca flowers.

Now the photos of the sea and one of a very weather tree stump!

Another flower from the memorial garden.
And you can’t have too many pics of the colour changing sea holly!
A bit later in the morning I walked down the street, posted a letter and got something for dinner and then collected a prescription for Tina.
I did go out into the front garden for a while to attack some of the weeds in the drive. Although I picked a shaded place I didn’t stay out overly long as it was very hot and sticky.

This afternoon I went round to see Lesley, we decided it was too hot to be weeding, so we sat in the shade in the perfect sized garden!
This evening I have watered both the gardens. Our pair of seagulls have a baby again and yesterday it was flapping its wings and jumping up. This evening he/she was flying in circles but as I was watering I could get the phone ready quick enough. It landed on a roof at the museum, you can see it if you squint!
I feel very protective of ‘our baby’, I expect it will join its parents when I am putting the bird food out soon.
I took some photos after I finished watering. A very pretty antirrhinum.
The honeysuckle is in its second year and has flowered and they are fragrant.
We have had some strongly looking bulbs for three years but have never flowered previously. This year they are now opening and are stunning.
I feel surprisingly awake considering the early start. Although once I decided to write that I started yawning!


  1. It’s like getting the children off to school! But it did give me chance to get out to the sea early in the morning. I have to say it was well worth it just to get one particular shot. I love the first of the sea pictures, it’s a cracker. The third sea pic runs a close second. They’re all great though. One subject that it’s difficult to get tired of. Some great flower pictures too. Those Sea Holly are really nice flowers. Your gardening today looked a sensible sized area, and in the shade to which is good. No point in overdoing it. Lesley’s garden does look a nice size. I bet she gets lots of insects in there. Seagulls are a bit like pigeons, you never see a baby pigeon as they always look fully grown to me.
    With the visiting, the walking and gardening throning you had quite an active and long day. Hopefully it means you’ll sleep well tonight 🤞🏻

  2. Fingers firmly crossed as I am very achey this evening and yawning well too!
    It was nice to get to the front early, not many people about and not quite so hot as later in the day!
    May lay off the walking tomorrow!
