Sunday 25 July 2021

Feeling my age!

I am very weary this evening, tired and achey and not inclined to do anything constructive! We went to the boot sale this morning and bought some bits and pieces. Darren got electronic stuff, he always finds something, I got a massage machine very cheap, it works, a new dish for the oven which I have used when getting dinner and some craft bits. A very unusual metal stamp, have never seen one before and it was only 50p so worth a punt!
Darren drove to the seafront when we left and we had an ice cream as it was actually quite hot.

After lunch I went out and did some gardening. The bed along by the fence next to Lucian’s had become very overgrown and tatty again. There are two parts, either side of a bush.

These stunning plants are on the other side next to the house.
The bed looks tidier now, but probably not for long!

The cats are never far away when I am in the garden!

Talking of cats, yesterday evening, Blue, who has never been a lap cat, decided to get on my lap when Pandora wasn’t around!
A touch of the green eyed monster I think, Pandora’s face was a picture when she came in and saw her!
I got dinner made, there is crumble for later. Decided I hadn’t got the energy to water the gardens and don’t want to be finding myself on the ground again. If is cloudy in the morning I will do it then.
I tried the stamp, had trouble getting a full print.I cleaned it and tried again and put a bigger pad underneath. The blue one is almost there.
I think it is quite effective as it is,
Have Pandora on my lap so will probably nod off…..😴


  1. Your car boot haul sounds very good. The stamp is extremely unusual. I think the way it has come looks great as it is. I wouldn’t bother trying to get a cleaner impression of it. At least you got out for a while this morning, and ice cream to boot! I’m not surprised you ended up doing some gardening, you usually do. The bits you did do look better though. It would be even nicer if they stayed that way, but alas that’s not how nature works!
    The cats seem to have the right idea. Not a care in the world, completely looked after and totally spoiled. You’ve got it the wrong way around really 😊
    Hope you manage to stay awake long enough to have some crumble at least.

    1. We did well today and it was nice rounding it off with an ice cream by the sea.
      Very weary so fingers crossed that I will have a better night,
      One step at a time with the garden, it is just the steps reach into eternity!
