Saturday 24 July 2021

Mostly flowers and bees!

I went and did the food shopping before it got too busy and apart from meals and a Face Time with the family I have been in the garden most of the day. Spent the morning clearing the walled garden, didn’t take pictures as I hadn’t intended starting there. But once I started pulling weeds I just carried on. Almost filled that huge garden waste container. Darren brought me out a cuppa and I sat between two disinterested cats.

Then I moved to the back garden. The grass path I laid soon after we moved her has taken well and it helps that I now am much happier using the strimmer.
A hover fly on a marigold.
The same bee on two different marigolds.
The shaggy daisies are opening now.
I weeded all along one side of the large bed in the back garden, and did dead heading and supporting some plants. Watered the front garden after a link up with the family. I don’t remember the mahonia having berries before.
The yucca flowers are stunning again.
And the sea holly gets more colourful by the day.
I managed to trip over the hose when I had finished watering and crashed down onto both knees! On the grass thankfully, but the I had the challenge of getting up! Don’t think I have caused any further damage.
Will finish with a bee and a hover fly.



  1. Sounds like a very full day for you again. That garden will be the death of you, either because you trip over the hose too many times or it will just wear you out! Even the cats look totally uninterested in the garden.
    I remember you laying the turf for that path, it certainly has bedded itself in and grow nicely. Makes it a lot easier for weeding in that bed. Also makes it easier now that you’re using the strimmer. Will get you into the 21st-century before long!
    The first Marygold picture with the hover fly in it is lovely. It looks like someone is shining a torch into it. Really nice lighting. Looks like you were well into photographing the flying insects today. I think they line up for you.
    All the flowers out front look lovely, but I really do like the sea holly.
    I hope you didn’t do any damage when you fell over the hose, and I don’t mean to the hose! The knees will probably ache a bit more tomorrow. Hopefully it won’t stop you walking round part of the car boot sale, if you go.

  2. It was a full day but not heavy work and I took breaks.
    I have cracked using the phone for photos, I hated using it at first.
    Hopefully the knees won't react too much.
