Saturday 10 July 2021

Teddy Bear Picnic Day

Not really been picnic weather today although the rain missed us completely.
I didn’t have a good night and this time pain in the ‘mended’ leg was worse than the hands! Really didn’t feel good for most of the morning so didn’t do a lot after I had been to the shop. But after lunch ai did go out with the strimmer to get a bit of fresh air and liven myself up. The before and after pictures don’t look a lot different as I was just removing tufty bits. I did go down towards the bird feeders as well until the strimmer needed recharging.
I had a cuppa in the walled garden, got a bit grassy!
The little wild strawberries look must tastier that they are!
I came in and put the tennis on but did sit and make a card that Tina had asked for.
Pandora has settled on one of my nice chairs, looks the proper lady of leisure!
I haven’t done anything on the machine for a while and still haven’t, but have made a start on something to do.
Will finish with an obscure word tonight.
Hugger-Mugger (adj.): Furtive, covert, or clandestine.


  1. I’m not surprised you didn’t feel like doing a great deal this morning. The pain in the various limbs and the lack of sleep must be really getting you down at the moment. At least you made the effort to get on with something, which a lot of people in the same situation wouldn’t of bothered with. You do seem to like using the strimmer, but it might be a good idea to go on Amazon and order a few of those white zip up forensics suits 😊 It certainly does make a mess!
    The card is very nice, and I’m sure Tina was more than pleased with it.
    Pandora certainly does look a lady of leisure. Maybe you should take a leaf out of her book! Trouble is you soon get bored out of your head!
    The Rose looks an interesting project. Should be fun sewing all those fiddly lines!
    Never heard of the obscure word. It’s a nice one though.

  2. Needed to do something rather than sit and get sorry for myself!
    I do like using the strimmer now I have got used to it.
    Hopefully we will go to the boot sale in the morning, no rain but a sea fret has come in at the moment.
