Sunday 4 July 2021

Independence Day!

Best wishes to Americans on your celebration day. It is also Alice in Wonderland Day.
I had a better night as I went back to using the splints to sleep. Not that keen on wearing them but my hands weren’t so painful so it was worth it,
We went to the boot sale, not quite so busy today but we thought probably a few people had sore heads after celebrating the England win in the football!
I spent a fiver, no holding me back! I got some plants for the rockery, a picture of a wren and a letter tidy unit. I love the writing desk but with the cover on I need to have somewhere for the address and birthday books and the stamps so that I am not having to keep taking the cover off when I am not actually about to write a letter!

I did go out and do a bit more clearing of the raspberry came jungle, and pruned the bush. It will need digging again as there is a lot of root!
There is a tree behind the summerhouse that we hadn’t spotted before, latest guess is that it is an olive tree!

Pandora was out in the garden with me and she jumped on the swing, so I went and sat with her for a bit. In this picture she was eyeing up a wood pigeon!
Watched the Grand Prix this afternoon, have made dinner and did a bit of weeding so that ai could get a poppy planted.
Going to watch ‘Yesterday’ this evening, a real feel good film.


  1. It’s good that you had a better night, but I know the splints are horrid things to wear, specially if you smack yourself in the eye with one during the night!
    I like your bargains from today. Not bad for £5. The letter tidy is a great idea, and definitely a bargain for the price.
    Glad you didn’t go too mad with the gardening today. I do hope that is an olive tree you’ve discovered. Would be great to be growing your own olives. You can add them to the salad you grow.
    Pandora does look as though she’s about to spring. I’m sure she probably would if you hadn’t been there.
    Enjoy your film this evening, then hopefully another “slightly better” night.

  2. Really enjoyed the film again, such a novel idea.
    A reasonable day and feeling a lot better than I did yesterday.
    Will keep an eye on the tree and see if they really are olives!
