Saturday 17 July 2021

Saturday blues again

There seems to be a pattern forming, three Saturdays in a row now I have felt under the weather, I think I keep to routine all the week and a the bad nights and niggling pains catch up with me at the weekend! So today has been a relatively easy day and hopefully if it isn’t too hot we will head off for the boot sale in the morning,
Yesterday evening I went out into the garden and did a bit of weeding in the front bed and then tackled the jungle that had grown up round the front garden tap!
It is hidden behind that very large a prickly thistle type bush! Cleared it enough to get to that tap!
When I came in Pandora sat on my lap for a bit and then attacked me and really hurt my wrist. It is odd how she turns on me! Afterwards she went and curled up on the cushion!
When I went to the shops this morning I noticed that the shaggy yellow flowers were bursting into life, probably happy that I cut the triffids back!
There is a geranium in the back garden with the most beautiful foliage. I am going to pot it up in the autumn and attempt to over winter it.
This afternoon I sat for quite a while sorting the stamps into colour groups.
When I sent for some stamps it put in a sheet telling you how to remove used stamps. It said not to steam them off but to put them in warm water for no more than twenty minutes and they would float off and then dry them on newspaper or blotting paper.
Not one floated off and a lot turned to mush but I did manage to de-paper quite a few.
I took some more bird food down to the greenhouse and was admiring the yellow flowers on the rockery. Little bees were liking them too but were very quick to fly off!
I like the way the leaves on this plant on the rockery has the leaves turning colour.
It has been hot today and likely to be the same tomorrow so probably no serious gardening for a bit.


  1. I think you need to take it very easy for a whole week, or longer in the hopes you’ll catch up a bit. Leave the garden, no the house and just relax. Spend some time in the garden actually enjoying it and not toiling in it! Have very slow walks up to the sea, fish and chips etc etc. You won’t I’m sure, but you really really should!
    It’s a devil when you have to clear weeds just to find the garden tap 😊 Wouldn’t be so bad but even watering a garden that size is really hard work.
    That cat is weird! I really can’t see why she keeps attacking you. It’s not even playful like most cats, but really quite vicious! You need a stun gun, that’d sort her 😊
    The triffids are a bit of a nuisance, they try to take over everything! The yellow flowers do look quite happy now though. I do like the geranium, hopefully you’ll be lucky with it.
    Those stamps look like they’re just sitting and waiting for a cat to scatter them to all four corners of the room, then take a lump out of you for stopping her!
    I’d stick (pardon the pun) to steaming them off. It was good enough for young boys in ye olden days to risk severe burns, so it should still work now. I say boys because I didn’t know any girls that collected them.
    The rockery has come on well. Considering it’s quite a small area it looks really colourful and the insects love it. See, no one needs a big garden, just tend the rockery and leave the rest.
    I would say roll on the hot weather to keep you out the garden, but then you’ll be dragging heavy hoses around trying to revive them!

    1. I have taken it much easier today, and pretty sure ai will tomorrow too.
      It is surprising how many stamps are needed to make one of the cards, may have to order another bag of already removed ones!
      We do have a very bee friendly garden now, bird friendly and squirrel friendly too!
