Wednesday 21 July 2021

Bag mountain and a woolly pig!

This morning I thought I would see just how many plastic bags had managed to be pushed out of the back of a drawer and into the cupboard below. I really thought I would never get them all, unbelievable!
Much more interesting is the picture of a woolly pig that Tina has seen in Orkney today!
Paul arrived today to start preparing the wall for the restoration. He had a lot of ivy to remove and free up the rotted panels and posts so that they can be removed and replaced. The wall has got worse and it was worrying to see him on top of it clearing the ivy!
My legs were really bad last night so I have had an easier day today but I did walk down to the post office to send off a parcel and then went up and had an ice cream sitting on a wall. It was quite busy, looking  more like a seaside town.
Not so many around in this direction.
Resting this evening as if it is a bit cooler I am going to Bempton cliffs with Sarah and David tomorrow.


  1. It must be a big cupboard and a big drawer. That’s a lot of bags! Should keep you sorted for bin liners for a little while. Sometimes I think you go out of your way to look for little jobs no one else would bother about 😊
    The pig is sooooo cute. I want one!
    That wall does look pretty bad now, and I don’t think I’d be sitting on top of it! But it has to be done I suppose to get it ready for repair.
    The front definitely looks more like a seaside town in those pictures. You usually manage to catch it when it’s totally desolate.
    Hope it does cool down a little bit for tomorrow as it will make the Bempton cliffs visit so much better. Although I’m sure you’ll enjoy it regardless. Don’t forget your hat! 👒

  2. The pig is gorgeous, I want one too but it would play havoc with the garden!
    It is busier at the front but with silly season upon us it will only get busier!
