Thursday 8 July 2021

Be a Kid Again Day

I like the special day today, one that I am quite good at!
It has been a strange day, ended up having three trips out. The first one was with Sarah and David, neither of us confirmed the time yesterday and I had it in my mind that we were leaving at 10.30am. I was sitting at the dining table doing a crossword puzzle when they arrived at 9.55 am. Had to lock doors, go to the loo and get my shoes on in a bit of a panic. We set of for Filey Bird Park and it wasn’t until we arrived that I realised my phone was on the dining room table. I didn’t need it as a phone, but I take photos with it and also my bank card is in the case! So although we walked round the bird park and then went to the mere and walked round it I have no photos!
We went to Deans garden centre for a snack and then a little excitement. Sarah had parked on a slope and as David was about to get in the car stated rolling backwards!I was at the back and leaned against it while Sarah went and got the hand brake on!
I got home about three and had just missed a call from Carol, she wanted to know it I wanted to go out! I said okay and went out pretty much straight away. She had sad news as Millie, their adorable little dog was run over on Sunday and had to be put down yesterday. They aren’t having a lot of lunch lately and are both distraught. We went into Hull as she had a couple of errands, had a coffee and a quick look in Dunhelm and The Range. Then back home, did have the phone with me this time but still no photos!
Tina and Darren went round to Lucian’s for their tea and I wandered round the gardens to take some photos!

I was sitting doing some pedalling when Tina came up to see if I would like to have a ride out to Mappleton, didn’t need asking twice. We managed to get a parking space and walked down the steep slope to the beach. We walked along until we reached the barrier of boulders. Had the phone with me this time and used it!

On the way back to the car I took a couple of photos of displays outside a house and one of the church.

So quite a varied day in the end!


  1. Nothing worse than having to rush around to get ready when you think you have plenty of time. Shame you forgot your phone, but it looks as though you made up for the lost pictures with quite a few others. Glad to hear you didn’t actually come to harm when the car started rolling. It appears you make a good anchor 😊
    Your unexpected trip out with Carol was totally unexpected, but they are often the best. I’m really sad to hear about her little dog as it was really cute ☹️
    The second unexpected trip out to Mappleton looks really nice from the pictures. Was the Rev practicing her walking on water party trick? 🙄
    I like the settee flower trough. Very unusual. Considering you started the day with no camera, you certainly made up for it in with some really nice pictures from the rest of your day.

    1. I love those boulders at Mappleton.
      I always have flowers as a fall back plan for photos.
      A pretty good day.
