Monday 5 July 2021

Getting a bit crafty!

This morning Tina headed off for a few days training, due back on Thursday evening. I did a few chores and then got ready for my telephone consultation with Mr Johnson, the knee surgeon. We had a discussion about the right knee and I explained that as the numbness had gone the pain got worse. He asked some details and said he would make an appointment for me to go in and see home and have another X-ray. He didn’t know why I had the pain and said he may not be able to do anything about it. But that is fine, at least it will be checked and I can stop worrying. We discussed the right leg and he said that if I don’t go for replacement now it will be done when the time is right. I had a phone call from the hospital a bit later in the day and have an appointment in a months time.
I went down the road to post a letter and was just going to go into the shop when Bell the elderly lady I have started visiting came out. I suggested we go for a coffee and she liked the idea so we went to the Chocolate Cafe. It was raining when we left so got a bit wet going to the shop. When ai got in I realised ai had been going to buy a Pritt stick for making more stamp cards, so went out again between showers. I also bought some bits to use for a 25th wedding anniversary card that Tina had asked me to make. I got some silver coloured acrylic paint and had to use several coats to make the wood embellishments look silver coloured.
A friend has said she would like some ‘stamp’ cards so thought about what I could do apart from butterflies. Decided on an oak leaf.
I had sat and sorted some stamps into colours last night, and was glad I went out for the Pritt stick. I had also sent for some coloured card blanks. I will probably add a Happy Birthday to the front.
I got Darren his dinner and then went round to visit Sarah and David. They were away over the weekend so had lots to tell me.
Depending on the weather I may get into the garden for a bit tomorrow.


  1. Glad you’ve finally talked to the surgeon as I know it was bothering you a bit. He does seem a nice and understanding chap. At least he’s prepared to look at it again. As you say, if it turns out he can’t do anything else for it then at least you know where you stand. Pardon the pun! The appointment has come through quickly, so that’s good.
    You’re as bad as me forgetting what you’re going to the shop for. I went to town today and when I got home I realised I’d forgotten one thing. If I don’t write everything down I want then I’m useless! Glad you eventually got some Pritt stick as the oak leaf and acorn look good. Wooden shapes are a nightmare to paint as the grain sucks all the paint in! You need a couple of coats of sanding sealer on them first to stop it. Nice decorations though. Should make a good card.
    Bet Darren is being spoiled while the Rev is away 😄

    1. Yes, good to speak to the surgeon, and not too long to wait for the appointment.
      Quite enjoyed getting a bit of craft done today, may be more crafty days if the rain that is forecast arrives.
      He may be a little bit spoilt!
