Thursday 15 July 2021

Trip to Driffield

First thing this morning the new washing machine arrived. The previous one has been a bit of a trial, very long programs, we haven’t been able to add fabric softener for ever and the filter kept causing the machine to error! Tina has done some loads in it today and it seems very efficient.
After they had gone I went down the road to post a letter and call in the shop, and realised when I was walking back that I had probably missed the Ringtons man. I had, but he left a card to say he would call back later.
We decided to try Driffield to see if Tina could get any blackout material at the Yorkshire Trading Company. It is a fantastic shop and they did sell it by te metre. We got a couple of other bits and Tina even picked up a Driffield Loyalty card! We had lunch in a nice cafe and then bought some clothes at the market. 
I am a bit out of sync here, we went to a car park which had electric charging points and as we cut through to the high street we passed an shop that sold  ladies underwear, swimming costumes and night clothes. There were some pyjamas in the window on sale and we went in and both ended up getting a new pair of summer pjs.
Tina took the shopping back to the car and then we walked down another street where we had passed an interesting looking shop. It was fascinating apart from all the stuffed animals!
This sign was outside.
I took a photo of some great brick moulds. The photo would not upload. When I enlarged the image it became dark and hard to make out, but I took a picture anyway.
Took a couple of photos along the street.

We had a drink and unusual little cakes in an Italian cafe then came home.
I did a bit of drive weeding while I waited for the Ringtons man.
This evening I watered the back garden. The hosta has flowers opening, wonderful to have found a spot where it isn’t eaten,
I watered the tubs out the front and the clematis at the front of the house. It was a tiny little thing when we planted it and it has been a real success story. Pretty yellow bell shaped flowers and the ‘old mans beards’.
This evening I have tried the pads with the Revitive, felt strange but when I peeled them off I realised that I had reacted to the glue! Rather a pity as I especially bought the knee version! Ah well, I did half an hour for the legs anyway!
Tina has just been up and took a picture of me in my new clothes!
Almost time to be thinking about bed now!


  1. You should save some money if the new machine has more efficient cycles. Less breakdowns too, for the machine and you 😊
    Glad you got out with Tina for a ride. Sounds like you enjoyed a bit of shopping in Driffield. Always nice to get new stuff, whatever it is.
    I’m sure that sign meant what it said in those days!
    Your ingenuity in showing the brick mould does you good service. You’d enjoy making your own bricks for the garden if it wasn’t so much hassle. I actually hand made some bricks donkeys years ago when Eye still had a brickyards.
    Unusual looking town hall. It seems to have several styles to it. Bit of a hotch potch. Quite like the one of the dyke/river/stream. It’s different.
    Unusual little cakes sounds good. Probably not as good as the ones from the Ringtons man though. Glad you caught up with him in the end.
    Love the “old mans beard” and I can assure you that’s exactly what it looks like as I’m a very old man who had a similar beard!
    That really is a shame about the reaction to the glue. Could you not remove the glue and use something like a knee support to hold the pads against your skin? Just a thought.
    The new clothes look nice. The weather is supposed to be hot the next few days, so perfect for walks by the sea. Assuming you feel up to walking down to the sea that is.

    1. It is a lovely town, sadly rally not accessible by public transport.
      We did enjoy a bit of shopping and it was great that Tina got the blackout material she wanted. The car got a bit of a charge too, so win, win.
      That is an idea about the pads need to remove the glue to give it a try!
