Saturday 3 July 2021

Try something new!

Today is National Chocolate Wafer Day, I am sure we have some downstairs!
The broken nights and various aches and pains are taking their toll and I have felt less that cheery today! This morning I did go onto the recliner for a while after I had fed the birds at 6 am. Then this morning it was just a walk down to the shop and help with the shopping delivery. Did start a cryptic puzzle and am definitely getting a bit better at them!
After lunch I went out into the garden for a bit, decided the raspberry cane jungle had got to go! There is also a bush that needs pruning back.
I started bu cutting them down and then dig out the roots, which are thick and spread a long way! Didn’t get as far as I had hoped as it started to rain. While it was light I carried on but gave up when it got a bit heavier.
Came in and had a bath then couldn’t decide what to do with myself to keep occupied. A while ago my sister sent me a cutting about pictures made of used stamps. I was all keen at first and ordered some stamps and started collecting them off letters, but never got around to actually doing anything with them! Sound familiar? Anyway, I got the box out and sat for a while sorting some of the same colours into groups. Then made a template for a butterfly.
My sister’s birthday is this month so I will make this her birthday card.
Haven’t been referring to the calendar for a while so will add a couple of obscure words today.
 Cycopede (n.):The sum of human knowledge as a whole.
Nepheliad (n.): A mythological spirit made from and dwelling among the clouds; a cloud-nymph.


  1. National Chocolate Wafer Day! Who thinks these up? There’s probably a Think Up Daft Days Day 😄
    I’m not a bit surprised you’ve not been feeling too cheery. You’ve not had a decent nights sleep for quite some time now, and you still do a fair bit of gardening and other jobs. It’s bound to take a toll on your body, and mood. I doubt digging out roots in the rain helps much. You should take up drinking and cannabis. It probably won’t help, but at least you won’t remember 😊
    The stamp butterfly looks great. I would never think to do that with old stamps. Margherita will appreciate the time and effort that’s gone into it.
    Perhaps I was a Nepheliad in a past life. I often feel like my head is in the clouds these days! Although cloud nymph doesn’t really fit for me, does it?

  2. Cloud nymph, mmmm, perhaps not! But know what you mean about having a head in the clouds, best place for it sometimes!
    Will try some other designs with the used stamps now I have made a start.
    Drink and cannabis, there’s a thought!
