Friday 31 July 2020

Bridlington with Darren and a bit of gardening

I will start today’s blog with a picture from National Geographic. It isn’t just a stunning picture but has interesting facts as well. It is a Philippine eagle and is one of the rarest birds in the world with just 400 pairs left.
Darren had a day off today and fancied a trip into Hull to go to the gaming shop he plays at. They have a new premises now which was pretty impressive. I got some brushes and a few more acrylic paints. I then had a bit of a wander while Darren chatted to the guys. We had parked a good way out and as I was struggling Darren suggested we call into a church cafe and had a drink. Really lovely in there so one to remember,
When he had finished in the shop we made it down to the harbour. We had lunch, not too much social distancing or cleaning going on but we were away from others and had sanitising gel with us! Took a couple of pics of the harbour.
Darren took a different route back through the town and we got a bit snagged up in back road traffic, but were soon on our way back home. It was a lovely little trip and Darren was very patient with me hobbling along!
This afternoon I went out into the back garden and worked on tidying up along the side of the house.
I had a surprising amount of stuff to take up to the garden bin, took a couple of pics in the front garden. The variegated buddleia is very attractive.
Two gladioli opening up.
I worked steadily for a couple of hours or so and even got some bits plants in one of the sinks after I had cleared it.
I watered the bonsai trees and filled the watering cans, just taking it easy now.


  1. That is a fantastic picture of the Eagle. The National Geographic have some great pictures, such a good magazine.
    Always nice to get out for a ride around. Lovely day for it too. It’s been a scorcher here, and it’s still quite hot this evening. Thank heavens for the ceiling fan.
    Darren is a very patient and caring son, looking after his old mum while she hobbles along in the sun 😊 and he liked the company too.
    The bit of gardening you did certainly made a difference to that side. hopefully you didn’t overdo it in the sun.
    Some really bright and colourful pictures today. It’s apprising what a difference a little bit of sun makes.

  2. I enjoyed the trip out and good to see the new shop when’re Darren gets his cards etc.
    It was hot out but we weren’t too much time in the sun.
    Hopefully I will get to the walled garden tomorrow and get that tidied up.
