Saturday 1 August 2020

Garden and helping Tina

I did some shopping quite early, before the visitors arrived or the holiday camp sites were up and about! Went to the garden centre with Darren and Tina, we had a coffee and got some compost! I went out into the garden before lunch, but it was very hot so didn’t get too far. I was trying to get on with the walled garden which I didn’t get around to yesterday, it was looking pretty chaotic again!
I did get out there again after lunch, I emptied some pots and cleared the paving, will try and get to the weeds behind the paved area tomorrow! Tina came out as I was finishing and got a few stubborn weeds from the cracks, then took a picture of me in a much tidier area!
I am going into church in the morning to help direct people to their places as it will be Tina’s first public service. She has made a temporary alter and has the new wash basin there as she has to wash her hands regularly during the service.
A couple more photos of Ghana came up on my memories, these were in the school where the lady I stayed with was a teacher. They have no government funding, just supported by the church.
I ended up painting there and at a farm as well as the orphanage,


  1. You have been a busy bee today. Coffee and garden centres is a much better idea than slaving in the sun, although you did do some later. It does look a lot better though with a bit of tidying. All the better too for you showing it off in the pic 😊
    It’ll seem strange for Tina to do a public service. I wonder how many will actually turn up. I’m sure some will still be a bit dubious about mixing, but I hope she gets a reasonable amount. The washstand looks really good. It’ll do a grand job.
    I wonder if your paintings still exist on those walls in Ghana. I can imagine they probably do as I don’t think they’ll have spent lots of money rebuilding or redecorating!

  2. Those paintings may have survived as they were inside, the ones at the orphanage were well damaged when I went back the following year as they were subject to the extreme weather conditions,
    It turned out a reasonable day in the end, I am hoping it will be a bit cooler tomorrow so that I can finish tidying and weeding and get some pots planted up,
    I think we will all be learning as we go in the morning in church trying to get everyone to follow signs and the new way of doing things.
