Sunday 26 July 2020

Busy boot sale, painting and fruit from the garden

I have a lot of birthdays to remember in August and am trying to make personal ones that are relevant to the recipient. The one last night does not actually meet that except that Sarah is a lover of all things pink and purple! No real interests to home in on but ai think this will be well received.
This morning I left at seven thirty with Darren to go to the boot sale. It was busy, but although we did enjoy it the crowds were acting like there was no pandemic, so our masks and gel were put to good use! I got some nice things but particularly pleased with the foot rest. I have a stool that matches my rocking chair but it is too high for me to manage to have me feet up for long as it puts to much pressure on the unsupported knees. This however is perfect and I sat without moving for an hour this afternoon and was very comfortable!
I also got a pretty little clock which had a leaked battery in but Darren cleaned it up and replaced the battery and it is working. Also a colouring book and a couple of little plant guides which seem to be pretty good.

I decided to do a painting for a change and am pretty pleased with the result.
I went round to the church with Tina for an hour and helped put stuff in envelopes and did a little bit of hoovering, then when the tea as brewing when we came home I went and gathered some fruit from the garden. The gooseberry bush has lethal long thorns!
Sat with my feet up for an hour and then went to get dinner and made two crumbles as Darren really doesn’t like gooseberries! They were tasty and made with fruit fresh today!
The forecast is for rain in the early hours and tomorrow morning so I walked along to the post box to get the masks I made sent off. Took a picture of the church through the plants and trees on my way there.
Going to start watching A Suitable Boy this evening.


  1. That is a lovely card. I think people definitely appreciate cards more when they are home made like that. It shows you’ve actually made an effort to do something special for them. I think she’ll love it.
    Going car booting that early in the morning certainly paid off today. I really like the new footstool. I’d quite like one of those myself. I bet it’s really comfortable. It might encourage you to spend more time in it relaxing rather than toiling away in the garden 😊 Great little clock too. Handy to have Darren there to do all these little odd jobs for you.
    The elephant painting is amazing. You really do make me envious that you can do things like that so easily.
    All in all quite a varied day for you again. definitely no time for boredom.
    Thanks for getting the masks sent off, I’ll let you know as soon as they arrive.
    Very nice picture to finish off on.

    1. Yes, a varied day which is always good. I think if we keep going to the boot sales the earlier the better as the traffic was nearly to the next village when we left and it was busy enough while we were there!
      The foot rest really is very comfortable, I don’t often manage to keep my legs in one position for an hour! Can do it again while I watch the program tonight.
      I think the little clock is really pretty too.
      Don’t get the paints out as often as should but enjoy it when I do.
